Dissertations on Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is digital currency that can be used to pay for goods and services, using blockchain technology to ensure secure transactions. Bitcoin is almost certainly the most commonly known Cryptocurrency, though others such as Dogecoin, Ethereum and more are now seeing increased popularity.

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Latest Cryptocurrency Dissertations

Including full dissertations, proposals, individual dissertation chapters, and study guides for students working on their undergraduate or masters dissertation.

Role of Cryptocurrencies and their Advantages and Disadvantages

Dissertation Examples

Cryptocurrencies have changed the way people and organisations operate in everyday life and have posed several questions for the current monetary system. As the popularity of cryptocurrencies reach staggering heights, we must consider the implications....

Last modified: 14th Dec 2021

Cryptocurrency Business Report

Dissertation Examples

A summary of cryptocurrency and comparison of the top 5 cryptocurrencies including the merits and shortcomings of each....

Last modified: 29th Nov 2021

Cryptocurrency in Organisational Business Use

Dissertation Examples

Colliding Worlds -Cryptocurrency Organisational Business Use Abstract Cryptocurrency has both proven to be more secure in transaction due to encryption transactions and smart contracting by governm...

Last modified: 9th Dec 2019